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​​Scarves for Service

Hi, my name is Emily Larsen and I am 17 years old currently living in Seoul, South Korea. My dream is to follow Christ into long-term missions, and this is part of my journey!
Scarves for Service is a non-profit micro-business with the purpose of empowering underprivileged children and sharing God's love with the poor. My infinity scarves are sold each year in the fall. 100% of S4S proceeds go towards supporting my two Compassion International sponsor children, Gloria, who is 16 from Colombia, and Maria who is 15 from Honduras. 
Click on the "What is S4S" button for more information!

"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said,‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Acts 20:35

Share with the poor all that God has blessed you with! :)

Be available to God and He will use you mightily!

Check out the S4S blog! --->

Gloria- Colombia- 16
Maria- Honduras- 15
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